Saturday, May 26, 2007

Proof We Came From Monkeys

New Museum Says Dinosaurs Were on Noah's Ark"

The Creation Museum, a new museum in Kentucky, says that not only was the Earth created 6,000 years ago and dinosaurs walked alongside humans, but they were also guests on the Ark.

Okay, let's ignore the obvious idiocy here - the fact that proven science makes this impossible - and focus on the rest, and there is so much...

First, even without the dinosaurs, the Ark would have to be as big as a large city. Why, even tiny Switzerland has over 40,000 native species! I can't imagine how all of the African animals made it on. Oh wait, those are heathen animals and survived through Satan's help, right?

If, as the Bible says, God created all humans and animals on the 6th day, and we know for certain that there have been a large number of extinctions in the past, including ALL the dinosaurs, then the number of animals on the Ark would have been greater than the number actually living today.

According to Science Daily, "Right now we can only guess that the correct answer for the total number of species worldwide lies between 2 and 100 million..."

Second, given the previous, being the largest creatures to walk the earth, dinosaurs would take up about 90% of whatever space there was on the Ark.

Third, if there were dinosaurs around at the same time as man, wouldn't there be records of people seeing them? Drawing them? Describing them? Keeping them as zoo exhibits? Taming them? Biblical scholars are so fond of holding up records as proof that Jesus really existed, wouldn't there be at least something proving that dinosaurs lived at the same time as man? I mean, evolutionists have tons of proof that evolution is a reality and still get poo-pooed by Creationists, how can we expect to swallow this tripe with nothing but their word? Oh yeah, cuz God said so. Wait, no he didn't... he just said animals...

And finally, the number one reason why the founders of this museum are morons of the highest (lowest?) caliber: They had the perfect opportunity to explain the extinction of the dinosaurs - Noah didn't get them on the Ark - and they blew it in their frantic scramble to justify their irrational agenda.

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

South Park Episodes

This site has a list of nearly every South Park episode aired, available as Flash animated shows:

All South Park

The Golden Compass

The novel, The Golden Compass, by Phillip Pullman, is being made into a movie. For those who haven't read it, the first book in Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy, is an extremely entertaining read. The characters are deep and multilayered and the story rolls at a pretty good pace.

This is the film's second teaser release, apparently "leaked" to the public. Nicole Kidman plays the antagonist, Mrs. Coulter and Daniel Craig stars as Lord Asriel.

The story revolves around Lyra and the eponymous compass and her search for the truth about her past and family. There are some excellent characters in the story, most notably for me, Ioreck Byrnison, the armored polar bear.

Here's the Yahoo Films Teaser Trailer

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Hooga Hooga Chaka!!

Speaking of the Hoff. Check this out. Almost as funny as Nimoy singing Bilbo Baggins.

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Quit Hassling the Hoff!

On the one hand, it's kinda funny, but on the other, it's pretty bad when your own daughter tries to sabotage your career by publicly humiliating you. Though I do admit it's odd that she's exorting him to quit drinking to save his job, and then giving this to Entertainment Tonight.

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