Sunday, October 29, 2006

Bowling For People

Take one part Roller Coaster Tycoon, one part sadistic fun and you've got a party.

This guy set it up so that people could come in, but couldn't leave. Then he opened a baloon shop. Then he set up a one way rollercoaster aimed right down the midway. Wheee!

Just a Few Explosions

Make sureyou watch till the end. It makes it all worthwhile

Fun With Slo-Mo

This is pretty cool. Who knew there was that much water in a water balloon? It looks like it's never going to stop!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

40 Dumbest Celebrity Quotes Ever

VH1 fresh episode: Episode Main Page: The Greatest: 40 Dumbest Celebrity Quotes Ever

The Blondes
Jessica Simpson - “Is this chicken what I have, or is this fish? I know it’s tuna but it says Chicken, by the Sea”
Tara Reid - “I make Jessica Simpson look like a rock scientist”
Paris - “What’s Walmart, do they sell like wall stuff?”
Kimberly Stewart - (on Jennifer Aniston) “I like her cuz she’s like, homely. She must have something else going on cuz it’s not like she’s gorgeous or anything.”
Alicia Silverstone - “I think that the film “Clueless” was very deep. I think it was deep in the way that it was very light. I think lightness has to come from a very deep place if it’s true lightness.”

The Leaders
George Bush - “Too many obgyn’s aren’t able to practice their love with women across this country.”
Arnold Schwarzanegger - “I think that gay marriage is something that should be between a man and a woman.”
Bill Clinton - “If I were a single man, I might ask that mummy out. That’s a good-looking mommy.”

The Georgraphically-Challenged:
Britney Spears - “I get to go overseas places, like Canada”
Christina Aguilera - “So, where’s the Cannes Film Festival being held this year?”
Dan Quayle - “I love California. I grew up in Phoenix.”

And The Truly Bizarre
Joaquin Phoenix - “Do I have a large frog in my hair? I have the sensation that something is eating my brain”
David Hasselfhoff - “I find it a bid sad that there is no photo of me at the museum at Checkpoint Charlie.”
R.Kelly - “All of a sudden you’re like the Bin Laden of America. Osama Bin Laden is the only one who knows what I’m going through.”
Brooke Shields - “Smoking kills, and if you’re killed, you’ve lost a very important part of your life.”

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Rush To Judgement

Well, it's not like we didn't already know Rush was a major a-hole... well, considering the legions of fans this bottom feeder has, I suppose we all didn't know that...

Oh well, even Ted Bundy had a fan club... Anyway, Rush Limbaugh, in reaction to Michael J. Fox's political ad asking for voters to support a candidate who was strongly for stem cell research, Lambasted the actor for his ad, stating: "He is moving around and shaking, and it is purely an act", and accused the actor of either not taking his meds or of exagerating the effects of Parkinsons Disease to get voters to sympathize with his plight and vote for his candidate.

Excuse me, but aside from the obviously assinine arrogance of such statements (which he has since apologized for), why isn't this guy in jail? Robert Downey Jr did hard time for his drug addiction, how is it that Rush has managed to get caught three times, once in a friggin airport with a load of oxy's, and not gone to the big house? If it were you or I, we'd be sharing soap on a rope with a serial rapist!

The other issue for me is the Right's continued mischaracterization of Embryonic stem cell research as "destroying life for science", claiming that adult stem cells offer just as much vital science.

First of all, embryonic stem cell research doesn't destroy life anymore than menstruation destroys viable eggs. The embryos with which the stem cells come from are not destroyed for the benefit of science, science is making use of something that is going to be thrown away anyway. It's just a backdoor attempt to curb abortion.
I find it rather ironic that no one has attacked a fertility clinic yet. I guess the irony is lost on the self-righteous since the term "fertility" implies "life". True, parents are seeking to bring life into the world, but when a fertility doctor fertilizes and cultivates eggs in vitro for implantation into the mother, they generally hedge their bets by fertilizing a number of eggs with the father's sperm, usually four eggs for every one desired child.

Potential parents generally only want one child at a time, so what happens to the now viable embryos after the "winner" is chosen? Flush.

And yes, I can see the potential for embryo farms and I agree with the Right that such a thing would be not so good, but that's where legislation would come in, not the outright banning of legitimate research based on religious and moral mumbo-jumbo.
Yoda Does Hollywood

This is some pretty good Photoshopping. Worth 1000 has regular contests that are along these lines, but these are pretty funny. Mr T is pretty cool. Or maybe that's Mr Y?

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Black Hole News
Because people suck

This is a little bit of a good and bad story. Bad because a little girl died, but good because the scumbag who did it got pwn3d.

Apparently this guy was convicted of kidnapping, molesting and drowning a 10 year old girl named Katie. I've always heard that "shorteyes" don't last long in prison, and have mixed feelings about his not getting shivved like he should have, but it seems at least one inmate took it upon himself to exact a little prison justice. He tattooed "KATIE'S REVENGE" across his forehead.
Though I hope the guy never gets out of prison, I'm not so naive that I don't realize that's a foolish hope and he'll probably get out before the guy who sold a nickel bag of weed does, but at least now he'll have something to show for his crime. Hopefully he'll be tormented the rest of his sorry and hopefully short life.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Black Hole News
Because people suck

Donald Ray Bilby, 30, in July, and Abdullah Date, 18, of New York, were, respectively convicted and arrested in August for sending anthrax threats to authorities in envelopes that contained their correct return addresses. Date allegedly also included a taunting note reading, "Catch me if you can."

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Black Hole News
Because people suck

Apparently there is a sport in England called "Eel Bowling". Perhaps the most amazing thing about this fact is that it's not in Germany. In Eel Bowling, contestants stand on platforms in the water and swing a giant conger eel at each other, in an attempt to knock the other players off their platforms. Even though the eel is already dead, animal activists were successful in their attempts to have the event cancelled, claiming the even was "disrespectful to eels". A spokesman for the event, which raises money for lifeboat crews said, "But it's a dead conger, for Pete's sake. I shouldn't think the conger could care one way or another." [Reuters, 7-29-06]
Southpark Does World of Warcraft

Uber Pwnage Part 3!!

Southpark Does World of Warcraft

Uber Pwnage Part 2!!

Southpark Does World of Warcraft

I was at work when I first saw this. Someone was playing it on their computer and I thought it was one of those dork videos people make of their favorite games, kinda like Red vs Blue with Halo. And then I heard Cartman...

Seriously, this is so hilarious, it's a true Southpark masterpiece.

Uber Pwnage Part 1!!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Frank Miller's 300 Trailer

In case you've been under a rock for the last few months, or perhaps playing God of War too much and missed it, Frank Miller's got a movie coming out based on a graphic novel of his about the Spartans.

The imagery is flat out phenominal. Shot completely on green screen again, like Sin City, this piece of art is so gorgeous and astounding it defies description. Check it out for yourself. Click the pic to go to the trailer site:

Cynical Opportunist Wonks

I found it rather amazing and really not all that shocking that when the small plane flown by Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle slammed into the Bel Aire high rise apartments, some seemed to take the event as a good reason to make political points.

While I completely understand the fear that a plane striking a building brings about, especially in New York City, the fact that even after numerous statements by the government and FAA that it was an accident and NOT a terrorist attack, FOX News decided the event warranted a discussion of terrorism, particularly as it pertains to airplanes and airspace.

While far from an October Surprise event, they sheer joy at which they latched onto it as a reason to punctuate the war on terror was astounding.

Almost as bad as every Conservative Wonk that continues to spread the misinformation (read: lie) that the Foley scandal was held and leaked by Democrats when the Washington Post has already said numerous times that the info came from a Republican staffer.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Cheerleaders Pwn3d

Some of these are funny and some just make you cringe. You gotta feel a little bad for some of these poor girls getting plowed over by football players in full gear. I mean, sure, everyone hates the cheerleader, but I can't help feel their pain.

Cracked Does Mark Foley

The guys at Cracked magazine's website,, provide a dramatic recreation of the now-infamous Mark Foley Instant Messages

Mark Foley

I find it quite humorous and ironic that the "Family Values" party has a congressman who is not only gay, but has been sending questionable, no wait, sexual IMs to a 16 year old page. Apparently he even put a vote in session on hold so he can go have cyber sex with someone. Then he says he is an alcoholic and was drunk when he sent those things, which means he was drunk on the floor of Congress? But wait, there's more. He's using alcoholism as an excuse for his alleged pedophilia. Had enough? Don't answer yet! Because now he's saying that he was molested by a clergyman when he was younger.

NO! Don't press that button yet, because there's even more. Newt Gingrich was on FOX News talking about how they didn't come down harder on Foley early on because they would have been accused of gay bashing. So apparently having a pedophile on the floor is better than having a gay man there.

Can I just say how tired I am of people standing up for this guy and making sweeping declarations?

His friends are coming forth and screaming at us that Foley "Never had any innappropriate contact with minors. Mark Foley is not a pedophile and has never had innapropriate contact with minors!"

Excuse me, but how the hell would you know?! Are you with him every second of the day? Were you there when he left the floor to IM a 16 year old? Were you reading his emails over his shoulder? You don't know anything other than he's your friend. Personally, I hope when he goes down for what they have already found and will likely find, you go with him for your blind support of this sick man.

Seriously, how many times have we heard, "He seemed like such a normal, nice guy. I had no idea."

Sunday, October 01, 2006

News Streaker

This poor Washington State reporter must have thought this guy was going to attack her when he came running up. All I can think is, "Damn that dude's skinny".

Miss World

Miss France takes the prize!


Are you awake?

This classic scene from George Orwell's masterpiece is more relevant today than it was in 1984