Torture is Legal Now

According to the Bush White House, Waterboarding, which IS torture, is A-ok for the CIA to use. In fact, they admitted using it before.
There is just too much of this crap to call it "ironic" anymore. It's just disgusting. The US decried Japan for the use of waterboarding when it was done to our troops as POWs in WWII. It was used on POWs and Cambodian civilians by the Kmer Rouge in Cambodia.
"Waterboarding involves strapping a person down and pouring water over his or her cloth-covered face to create the sensation of drowning. It has been traced back hundreds of years, to the Spanish Inquisition, and is condemned by nations around the world.
Here's what it looks like. The picture is from a Kmer Rouge prison museum, as is the illustration.

Critics say waterboarding violates the U.N. Convention Against Torture and U.S. laws outlining legal treatment of detainees. The Justice Department has long resisted exposing the Bush administration and its employees to criminal or civil charges or even international war crimes waterboarding is declared illegal.
But the White House on Wednesday defended the use of waterboarding, saying it could still be legal in some situations. White House spokesman Tony Fratto said President Bush could authorize waterboarding for future terrorism suspects in certain situations, including "belief that an attack might be imminent.""
USA Today
One more reason the Bush Administration has no legitimacy whatsoever. One more reason George Bush needs to be impeached, now. One more reason why America has gone from a so-called beacon of freedom to one of fear and loathing. Why the respect our nation used to command has been squandered.
Labels: bush, cia, george w. bush, torture, white house
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