Monday, March 17, 2008

Cheney: Iraq War a Success

Man, I've heard of spin before, but seriously...

According to the main architect of our latest and greatest fiasco, the war in Iraq has been a success...

Nevermind that our troops went in there under false pretenses (read: lies), nevermind that aside from no WMDs found, there were also no links to Al Qaeda found either. Nevermind that calling something a success requires some sort of, I don't know... SUCCESS?!

In other news, an Iraqui woman (yes, we have been successful in making suicide bombing a career choice for Iraqi women too! Yay! Promoting women's rights in the Middle East), ahem, blew herself up about a half hour after Cheney spoke. Oh, and 25 other people died with her. and 50 people were injured. So, SUCCESS! woot

Full Story from Yahoo News

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