Sunday, October 22, 2006

Black Hole News
Because people suck

This is a little bit of a good and bad story. Bad because a little girl died, but good because the scumbag who did it got pwn3d.

Apparently this guy was convicted of kidnapping, molesting and drowning a 10 year old girl named Katie. I've always heard that "shorteyes" don't last long in prison, and have mixed feelings about his not getting shivved like he should have, but it seems at least one inmate took it upon himself to exact a little prison justice. He tattooed "KATIE'S REVENGE" across his forehead.
Though I hope the guy never gets out of prison, I'm not so naive that I don't realize that's a foolish hope and he'll probably get out before the guy who sold a nickel bag of weed does, but at least now he'll have something to show for his crime. Hopefully he'll be tormented the rest of his sorry and hopefully short life.