Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Mark Foley

I find it quite humorous and ironic that the "Family Values" party has a congressman who is not only gay, but has been sending questionable, no wait, sexual IMs to a 16 year old page. Apparently he even put a vote in session on hold so he can go have cyber sex with someone. Then he says he is an alcoholic and was drunk when he sent those things, which means he was drunk on the floor of Congress? But wait, there's more. He's using alcoholism as an excuse for his alleged pedophilia. Had enough? Don't answer yet! Because now he's saying that he was molested by a clergyman when he was younger.

NO! Don't press that button yet, because there's even more. Newt Gingrich was on FOX News talking about how they didn't come down harder on Foley early on because they would have been accused of gay bashing. So apparently having a pedophile on the floor is better than having a gay man there.

Can I just say how tired I am of people standing up for this guy and making sweeping declarations?

His friends are coming forth and screaming at us that Foley "Never had any innappropriate contact with minors. Mark Foley is not a pedophile and has never had innapropriate contact with minors!"

Excuse me, but how the hell would you know?! Are you with him every second of the day? Were you there when he left the floor to IM a 16 year old? Were you reading his emails over his shoulder? You don't know anything other than he's your friend. Personally, I hope when he goes down for what they have already found and will likely find, you go with him for your blind support of this sick man.

Seriously, how many times have we heard, "He seemed like such a normal, nice guy. I had no idea."