Monday, March 17, 2008

Cheney: Iraq War a Success

Man, I've heard of spin before, but seriously...

According to the main architect of our latest and greatest fiasco, the war in Iraq has been a success...

Nevermind that our troops went in there under false pretenses (read: lies), nevermind that aside from no WMDs found, there were also no links to Al Qaeda found either. Nevermind that calling something a success requires some sort of, I don't know... SUCCESS?!

In other news, an Iraqui woman (yes, we have been successful in making suicide bombing a career choice for Iraqi women too! Yay! Promoting women's rights in the Middle East), ahem, blew herself up about a half hour after Cheney spoke. Oh, and 25 other people died with her. and 50 people were injured. So, SUCCESS! woot

Full Story from Yahoo News

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Wrong Door Unit

Sounds like a great band name.

Always wondered what happened when the cops kicked in someone's door and it wasn't the right one. You know, mistaken identity or the perp no longer living at the address in question. Well, now I know.

LAPD's Wrong Door Unit