Friday, April 27, 2007

The Flaming Lips

When I was living in Orlando, I waited and waited and prayed for The Flaming Lips to come there so I could see them again. I'd seen them in the early 90s once. I think they opened for Rush or something. Anyway, no luck with them coming to Orlando. We moved to Phoenix and 3 months later they come to Orlando!!

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Low Bid Auction?

Sounds odd eh? I'm not quite sure I get how this works yet. You find a prize you like at bid4prizes and bid on it just as you would at a regular auction. The difference is that with bid4prizes, the low bid wins, as long as it's the lowest 'unique' bid. That's the catch. You can bid lowest, but it must not be a bid that someone else has already bid.
Once you put your bid in, bid4prizes will tell you whether you are low, high, unique or duplicate and then it's your job to figure out how to bid next. Sounds easy, but somehow I don't think it's quite THAT easy. I would say that since the thing is kinda new, there won't be too many bidding right now. Not like the crazy amount of people bidding on eBay at least.

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Old Bush, New Bush

What would happen if we could go back in time and talk to First Term Bush? What would he have to say to us? Jon Stewart finds out.

Jon Stewart 08!

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Death of the Internet

It seems the internet is in danger of becoming an owned commodity, a regulated for-profit business in much the same way newspaper, radio and television has. The villains? Who else, the government and big business. Namely, the phone companies.

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and now for something completely similar...

Following in the same vein...

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Saturday, April 21, 2007

How Not To Be Seen

Two things I love together at last. Monty Python and Halo.

Even without the video it's hilarious.

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Friday, April 06, 2007

Rinse and Spit!

A dentist in London has had his livelihood taken away from him after being found guilty of urinating in the chair-side sink. The sink, meant for patients to spit into during treatment, had been used by the dentist more than once, said his assistant.

Dentist guilty of urinating in surgery sink

LONDON (Reuters) - A British dentist was found guilty Thursday of urinating in his surgery sink and using dental tools meant for patients to clean his fingernails and ears.

Full Story from Yahoo News

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Back Issues

Anyone who knows me knows I have a bad back. I hurt it years ago on the job. Over the years it's gotten better and worse and better again. I've had an MRI and I basically have two compressed/herniated discs. Fun fun.
When my back was at its worst I went to a chiropractor. I didn't have a whole lot of faith but I needed something other than the drugs my regular doctor kept giving me. It was the best thing I ever did. Far from the 'adjustments' I expected, I got gentle traction and electric therapy. Bliss.
I'd liked to have had some massage therapy too. Here's a medical massage therapist in NYC.
After a year I was almost pain free. I'll never quite be there, but it doesn't bother me nearly as much as it used to.

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Sunday, April 01, 2007


Well, I've decided to join the blogosphere... officially. Technorati catalogues and tracks blogs throughout the web, bringing them closer as a community while making them easier to find and be found.

Technorati Profile

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