Friday, October 12, 2007

Phoenix Humanities Teacher Suspended For Cheer Routine

I'm not sure how to take this really. On the one hand I have to say that my kids need a teacher who's going to teach the class, not use it as their own ego trip and not fill it with useless crap. It's bad enough that the English teacher is also the cheer coach, but did we really need to take time out to see her "new" cheer? Especially since it's just a ripoff of that "Hey Mickey" video from the 80's.

On the other hand, it wasn't all that long of a break from class and it wasn't inappropriate in any way. Nothing racy I mean. I think the school just got cold feet since the video hit Youtube.

The funny thing is that this school is about pretty close to us here in Phoenix. 3rd time in a week that the area has been in some sort of news.

Read more here

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