Ann Coulter is Tactfull
Just when you thought she couldn't be any more sweet than she already is, she says something even more adorable.

While appearing on my favorite tool's MSNBC show, the queen of the dark side actually quoted the National Enquirer when trying to smear John Edwards. I mean, when I'm looking for verifiable journalistic integrity I turn to the National Enquirer. I've got an inquiring mind, dammit!
Seriously, is it just me? I know Dems see this stuff a mile away, but do other Cons hear this stuff and believe it? Do they think it's legitimate to attack a person's personal and moral lives rather than go after their political views or records? I guess it works for them. Cons still talk about Monica but poo poo you when you point out the Clinton surplus versus the Bush DEFICIT. Even today, Bush tried to claim that the deficit being something like 8 BILLION dollars less than projected was proof that his economy was robust and 'working'. Praised his tax cuts even.
The full story on Annie at Crooks and

While appearing on my favorite tool's MSNBC show, the queen of the dark side actually quoted the National Enquirer when trying to smear John Edwards. I mean, when I'm looking for verifiable journalistic integrity I turn to the National Enquirer. I've got an inquiring mind, dammit!
Seriously, is it just me? I know Dems see this stuff a mile away, but do other Cons hear this stuff and believe it? Do they think it's legitimate to attack a person's personal and moral lives rather than go after their political views or records? I guess it works for them. Cons still talk about Monica but poo poo you when you point out the Clinton surplus versus the Bush DEFICIT. Even today, Bush tried to claim that the deficit being something like 8 BILLION dollars less than projected was proof that his economy was robust and 'working'. Praised his tax cuts even.
The full story on Annie at Crooks and
Labels: ann coulter, bush, conservative, cynical government, deficit, government, scumbags
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