Dear Santa Ted
I been good, I swear! Except for that time I wasn't. But that wasn't my fault. Some guy made me do that. But other than those last five times I had road rage and threw stuff at a soccer mom in her F1850 supertruck, I was good!
I would reeeeaaaally love an HP camera and photo printer! You see Santa Ted, I am leaving for Phoenix in just about a week. I am almost all packed up and right after Christmas I'm piling the kid and her snake, Nagini, into the rented truck and I'm heading west.
There are sooo many things I need a new HP camera for. My little camera is so sad and pathetic. I think it was made before they had megapixels. I think it's a kilopixel.
First, I'm an artist and I need a good one to take pictures of all the great sites along the way so's I can paint 'em. digital photography is a must for artists.
Second, well, there will be all those sites I spoke of that are just begging to be photographed.
Third, I'm starting a new job, painting 5 days a week as an on-staff artist for a large gallery and the camera would come in so handy for taking pics of my work, getting reference pics for paintings and so much more.
And finally, the big reason! I'm going to Phoenix to get married. I'm going to be getting hitched in about a month and I would love to take pictures of my beautiful bride and her two boys and my daughter and our new Brady family and the guests and stuff! I'll even send you guys some snaps!

"pweeeaaase Santa Ted?"
So please, please, please Santa Ted, please gimme a HP camera and photo printer for Christmas. I promise I'll be so good it'll make you sick. Not really sick like that last time after the pizza, only pretend sick.
This post was brought to you by HP
I would reeeeaaaally love an HP camera and photo printer! You see Santa Ted, I am leaving for Phoenix in just about a week. I am almost all packed up and right after Christmas I'm piling the kid and her snake, Nagini, into the rented truck and I'm heading west.
There are sooo many things I need a new HP camera for. My little camera is so sad and pathetic. I think it was made before they had megapixels. I think it's a kilopixel.
First, I'm an artist and I need a good one to take pictures of all the great sites along the way so's I can paint 'em. digital photography is a must for artists.
Second, well, there will be all those sites I spoke of that are just begging to be photographed.
Third, I'm starting a new job, painting 5 days a week as an on-staff artist for a large gallery and the camera would come in so handy for taking pics of my work, getting reference pics for paintings and so much more.
And finally, the big reason! I'm going to Phoenix to get married. I'm going to be getting hitched in about a month and I would love to take pictures of my beautiful bride and her two boys and my daughter and our new Brady family and the guests and stuff! I'll even send you guys some snaps!

"pweeeaaase Santa Ted?"
So please, please, please Santa Ted, please gimme a HP camera and photo printer for Christmas. I promise I'll be so good it'll make you sick. Not really sick like that last time after the pizza, only pretend sick.
This post was brought to you by HP
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