Rockstartup is a web reality show following the CEO of Payperpost, Ted Murphy, as he raises cash to get his dream off the ground. the first two episodes are up and running. You can watch as they head to New York to set up for a trade show. Then check out the second video as Ted and Britt take on the Today Show and Ad:Tech. The next episode of the show is about the gang moving into their new offices in Maitland, Fl. The rest is PPP history, but that history is still being written, and you can see it unfurl.
Shot in HD, the show is being shopped out to the networks too, so catch it now while you can, without commercials!
I myself am proud of the fact that the pictures on the "about the show" page are of their visit to yours truly for the Postie Patrol fiasco. I still have nightmares about pizza and pepperoni. Thanks Ted!
Seriously, these are a bunch of really great guys and I think they have a geat thing going and am very proud to be a part of it all. I have a feeling they might have an episode in the near future that involves a certain Donkeh and Ted and a couple of really big pizzas!
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