Dove Evolution
This has been beat about by the media for a couple of weeks now, but it's still cool.
The spot is intended to highlight a supposedly important problem we have in our culture where ad agencies and companies and such can make people look unrealistically beautiful and that it's a bad thing to present to all us normal looking shlubs, because it makes us have unrealistic expectations about what WE should look like.
The only problem I have with this concept is that yeah, anyone with a cadre of makeup artists, photographers, lighting techs and a digital retouch house can look hot, but 90% of the people we look at in Hollywood and fashion mags and ads...ARE HOT! They are hot to begin with! So theyrequire very little touch-up. This video is an extreme example of how far the art of the touch-up can go, but the fact is that the people who do make it in the fashion and modeling business are already smoking.
That and the fact that the companies doing the ads and such are not going to waste time and money making average people look extraordinary when there is a ginormous pool of throwaway hotties to cull from for the next modelling opportunity.
That being said, it's still a cool video.
This has been beat about by the media for a couple of weeks now, but it's still cool.
The spot is intended to highlight a supposedly important problem we have in our culture where ad agencies and companies and such can make people look unrealistically beautiful and that it's a bad thing to present to all us normal looking shlubs, because it makes us have unrealistic expectations about what WE should look like.
The only problem I have with this concept is that yeah, anyone with a cadre of makeup artists, photographers, lighting techs and a digital retouch house can look hot, but 90% of the people we look at in Hollywood and fashion mags and ads...ARE HOT! They are hot to begin with! So theyrequire very little touch-up. This video is an extreme example of how far the art of the touch-up can go, but the fact is that the people who do make it in the fashion and modeling business are already smoking.
That and the fact that the companies doing the ads and such are not going to waste time and money making average people look extraordinary when there is a ginormous pool of throwaway hotties to cull from for the next modelling opportunity.
That being said, it's still a cool video.
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