Sunday, September 09, 2007

My God... It's Full of Tards...

I do surveys every once in a while. Not because I'm desperate to talk to people or have them know my opinion. Or care. Or believe they really care what my opinion is beyond their ability to milk the last penny from me, but because I can get some pennies from them for a change.

In my travels through the tardosphere, I've noticed some things.

First, they usually want to know some standard profile stuff about you. Normal enough but in the last few years a trend has developed. We've all heard how hispanics are the fastest growing segment of society. Hooraaay. You got to wonder at the irony of being hispanic and finally being "noticed" by the man. Comes with some ironic twists I would say. On the one hand, companies and entertainment groups are now focused on pleasing you so your culture and heritage are on display and such. More TV shows, more products directed at you, more entertainment directed at you in general, but as the African Americans in this country found, this isn't always well-done, or well-intended. It's simply to try to get at your money. Most are slow to notice this in their pride and pleasure at being noticed.

So, back to my survey.

The form asks for my "ethnicity". From a very limited group of choices, I put white.

Then they ask for my "race".

My only choices are:

Hispanic/Latino (what's the difference?)
Prefer Not to Say

How freakin blatant is that?!

Are you hispanic?! Yeah?! Woohoooo!! Here's a bunch of stuff we want to market to you in order to capitalize and monetize this, the most rapidly growing market in the US right now. The blacks let us down because we didn't realize that they don't all drink Malt Liquor and eat fried chicken (though we still try both avenues), but you guys totally eat up the hispanic thing as long as we pander to you.


I click through to the page that asks that you be truthful:

Before you begin, please make sure that you check off the appropriate option below:

- I agree to provide honest and thoughtful responses to all questions within this survey and to
take the time to read and respond accurately to all questions within this survey.

- I do not agree to provide honest and thoughtful responses to all questions within this survey or to
take the time to read and respond accurately to all questions within this survey.

Huh? I'm going to really click the one that says I'm going to be dishonest? Why would you even offer that option?! If I click "I do not..." does that mean I'm lying about that too and WILL be honest?

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